Posted on February 9, 2021 · Posted in Activities

“TARAKA says YES to the B.O.L”
Official Result:
YES vote – 9,506
NO vote – 0
They say that the difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination. ALHAMDULILLAH. As a result of the determination and dedication to the task at hand of our leaders, Assemblyman ATTY. AMENODIN U. SUMAGAYAN and Mayor NASHIBA G. SUMAGAYAN along with the help of their constituents, the municipality of Taraka has finally confirmed its full support to the Plebiscite for the ratification of the Republic Act No. 11054, also known as Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL).
For the record, out of 9,996 registered voters, 9,506 voted YES to the Bangsamoro Organic Law while NONE OPTED FOR NO. Almost a hundred percent voter turnout!
This result signals the confidence of the citizenry of Taraka to the BOL being the instrument to finally put an end to the endless cycle of violence and pave the way towards lasting peace and progress in the Region.